Spousal support (also called alimony and spousal maintenance) is often part of a divorce. Our clients come to us with many questions about spousal support such as:

  • Am I eligible for spousal support?
  • How much will I get/pay?
  • How long will it last?
  • Who decides the amount and duration of spousal support?

There are state statutes and county guidelines that are used to help determine whether spousal support will be an issue in your case. If you go to court over this matter, the courts will follow different statutes and guidelines depending on whether you are in Kansas or Missouri.

For the most part, our clients choose to determine the terms of spousal support through negotiation rather than letting the court decide for them.

The attorneys of Thilges Bernhardt & Isaacs, Attorneys at Law, LLC will help you negotiate with your spouse to find an amount, duration and method of payment that works for both of you. It should be seen as a temporary measure and a way for the lower-earning spouse to get back on his or her feet after the marriage ends.

Determining Support That's Right For You

Spousal support is very fact-specific and dependent on your unique family circumstances. It's not uniform. Our lawyers will discuss with you the many factors that may influence spousal support in your case, including:

  • The length of your marriage
  • The payor's ability to pay
  • The recipient's needs and ability to support him or herself
  • The income of each spouse
  • The employment history of each spouse
  • The age of each spouse
  • The education of each spouse
  • The history of the marriage and roles of each spouse within the marriage
  • The relationship of spousal support to child support

Comparing your divorce to a friend or family members and finding that you have different amounts of spousal support may be frustrating, but doesn't really mean much. The details and facts of each marriage may profoundly influence the determination of a maintenance award.

Contact Thilges Bernhardt & Isaacs, Attorneys at Law, LLC

Let us help you determine fair and reasonable spousal support. Contact us at 913-491-4400 or fill out our online form. We serve clients in Kansas City, Johnson County and Jackson County, and surrounding areas of Kansas and Missouri.